


Come visit us during MISS READ in Berlin!

Sunday, 13.10., 14:00
Reading Methodologies for/of Care

The Promiscuous Care Study Group with HumDrumPress, Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, and Meteoro Editions warmly invite you to the double-book launch and activation of Promiscuous Infrastructures: Practicing Care and Utterances: Composing a Care-Informed Artistic Research Practice in the Cracks, by The Promiscuous Care Study Group.

Join us as we as we activate a collective reading methodology of care, of central to the two publications featured in this event, Promiscuous Infrastructures and Utterences, both released this year.

Promiscuous Infrastructures: Practicing Care, published by the Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, calls for an ethics of care and attentiveness to one another, re-imagines the making and the use of infrastructures, and situates care within a genealogy of artistic and social practice.

Utterances: Composing a Care-Informed Artistic Research Practice in the Cracks, co-published by HumDrumPress and Meteoro Editions, is the sister-publication, proposes the ‘check in’ as an invitation, as well as a structure, dialogue, and reality that begins with the lived experience of the body, combined with the visceral experiences of sharing intimate spaces together.

Both publications are research outcomes of the Promiscuous Care Study Group. The Promiscuous Care Study Group have been researching and writing about caring infrastructures and promiscuous care for several years. The group gathers under the aegis of study, using their individual and collective care practices as sites of inquiry.


Between Books

Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Independent art book publishers, artists, independent publishing/DIY collectives, organisations, clubs, zines and magazines are invited to present themselves to a wide audience in the exhibition space of the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and to show how versatile, exciting and contemporary the medium of the book can be. The focus is on the local and regional publishing scene, but protagonists from all over Germany and neighbouring European countries will also be represented.

The art book fair is accompanied by an exciting and interactive supporting programme of book presentations, lectures, talks, performances and workshops.

Between Books is a meeting place for discourse on (art) books, alternative forms of publication and publishing as a practice, as well as a place to discover, browse and get to know each other.

More information about the supporting programme will be published soon.

Opening hours Between Books:
Friday, 20 September 2024, 3 pm–10 pm
Saturday, 21 September 2024, 12 pm–8 pm
Sunday, 22 September 2024, 11 am–5 pm

Friday 06 September 2024, 3–7 PM

Independent Publishing Festival, Hamburg

Independent publishing takes many forms. A glossy magazine or a spreadsheet website. A rugged newspapers or an Instagram channel. A podcast, a newsletter, a hand-crafted fanzine. An artist book or chunks of code on a server.

Indiecon is a joint effort of independent magazine, book, art print, zine, newsletter, podcast and website publishers from all over the world. The three-day publishing festival is based at Hamburg’s Oberhafen, a former freight yard now creative quarter right in the city centre.

Fri, Sep 6: 3 – 7 PM (we will be only present on Friday)   
Sat, Sep 7: 11 AM – 7 PM
Sun, Sep 8: 11 AM – 5 PM

Indiecon 2024 – Independent Publishing Festival
September 6–8, 2024
Gleishalle Oberhafen
Stockmeyerstr. 43
20457 Hamburg

Friday 19 April 2024, 19.00-22.00
INC Micro Book Fair

Expanded Publishing Fest #2 –
Space-In / Space-Out – INC & NERO Editions

We are very excited to participate in the Expanded Publishing Fest #2 - Space-In / Space-Out - INC & NERO Editions at the Micro Book Fair.

The Micro-Book Fair will take place this Friday 19 April 2024 from 19.00-22.00 at OT301, Amsterdam (with a club night that follows until 03.00am).

Admission is free and we hope to see you there!

More information about the Micro Book Fair and other participating publishers:

Saturday February 17th–14.00-16.00pm

The Single and Available Strawberry - Open Book & Writing Workshop

The Single and Available Strawberry promises to be a juicy one. To conjure memories, flavours, sensory delights, and to bring you to a place where, when you next pick up that container of strawberries from Albert Heijn, you consider the many invisibilized hands that brought it to you.

How? Marika Vandekraats has been spending the past year deeply researching and writing about the many and multiple (his)stories of the strawberry— starting from its hybrid colonial roots, and tracing the many hands that have encountered this fruit on its journey to get to us, its avid consumer.

This writing workshop will be a moment to connect many more voices in the strawberry’s journey, and to add your own voice to this polyphony. Come with memory, come with desire, (come also with pen and paper at the ready). Starting with an introduction to the research, Marika will be offering some prompts to encourage you to dig into what sensory experiences are evoked within the taste of sweetness.

This event is part of the HumDrumPress: “Open Book” event series. An experiment in making the voices, ideas and content usually contained in a physical publication - typically the last stage of the publishing process - publicly accessible and visible from the very first moment in the publishing cycle.

Slots for participation are limited.
Please register if you intend on joining.
Location: Tent, Rotterdam

Friday 12 January 2024, 19.00-22.00
INC Micro Book Fair

HumDrumPress’ first public event of the year is here.

We are delighted to share that we are one of the invited publishers that will be joining the Institute of Network Cultures publishing community for the Micro-Book Fair, as part of the INC Expanded Publishing Fest.

The Micro-Book Fair will be taking place from 19.00-22.00pm this Friday January 12, 2024 at OT301, Amsterdam (with a club night that follows until 03.00am).

The Micro-Book Fair is more informal and experimental than the average book fair. It takes place alongside a stage program which we will be forming part of, in conversation with Jan-Pieter of Outline and Lukas of Spookstad, to discuss the invisible processes that go on in the behind the scenes of publishing, and publication making and how book fairs can better support the communication of publishing processes and contexts.

At the fair you will find also Platform BK, Starfish Books, Errant Journal and Valiz.

Entrance is free, and we very much hope to see you there!

More information about the Micro Book Fair and fellow participating publishers:

Wednesday 13 December, 19:00
Open Book #1: Harvesting

We’re very excited to announce that we will be squeezing in one last HumDrum event before the year is out. And it’s not just any event! This coming Wednesday 13 December will be the very first of our “Open Book” sessions, in collaboration with artist Katerina Sidovera, generously hosted by Goethe Instituut.

The HumDrumPress Open Book series is an experiment in making the voices, ideas and content usually contained within a publication - the last stage of the publishing process - open access, public and visible from the very first moment in the publishing cycle.

In these sessions HumDrumPress authors share in performative, yet accessible ways, the research and content they plan to make into a publication in order to form a direct dialogue with their readers and invite them into the publication process.

For Open Book 1, Katerina will share her research on cyclical ecologies, mortality, potatoes and publishing, as part of our ongoing publishing collaboration with her.

Make sure to join us next Wednesday at 19.00 at Goethe Institute Rotterdam to dive a little deeper into the HumDrumPress Open Book process, and hear directly from Katerina about her work and research and upcoming publication.

→ Wednesday 13 December, 19:00: Open Book #1 - Harvesting: HumDrumPress & Katerina Sidorova in conversation about cyclical ecologies, mortality, potatoes and publishing.

26. November 2023 15h

Booklaunch Maastricht
‘Lumbung, Commons & Community Art: a conversation on behind the scenes of documenta fifteen’

HumDrumPress extends a warm invitation to the official launch of our publishing project, as well as our newest publication, at Limestone Books on Sunday 26 November, as part of this double-bill publisher and publication launch. 

The event celebrates the publication ‘Lumbung, Commons & Community Art: a conversation on behind the scenes of documenta fifteen’ with Florian Cramer and Simon Kentgens, and introduces HumDrumPress and our commons-based publishing model and project, to the world.

25. November 2023 16h

Booklaunch Rotterdam
‘Lumbung, Commons & Community Art: a conversation on behind the scenes of documenta fifteen’

HumDrumPress extends a warm invitation to the official launch of our publishing project, as well as our newest publication, with Reading Room Rotterdam at Paviljoen aan het Water on Saturday 25 November, as part of this double-bill publisher and publication launch.

The event celebrates the publication ‘Lumbung, Commons & Community Art: a conversation on behind the scenes of documenta fifteen’ with Florian Cramer and Simon Kentgens, and introduces HumDrumPress and our commons-based publishing model and project, to the world.

Join us for a gathering with drinks, nibbles, music, and discussion as we begin to dive into the process and practice, potentials and criticisms, of publishing as a commons.

Find the events playlist here.

November 2023

Volumes Art Publishing Days

Find us at Volumes Art Publishing Days, Zurich on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th November!
We are very excited to be present at the Volumes Art Publishing Days in Zurich, both with a table of publications and as part of their Sofa Book Club programme.
You can find us with a full table of books fresh off the press, including the first three titles in our HumDrumPress Lab series.

On Sunday 19th November from 5pm to 6pm we will be joining the Sofa Book Series to present our ongoing Lab Series publication format and talk more generally about our commons-based publishing model.

Volumes Art Publishing Days will take place at the Zentralwäschrei Zurich, Neue Hard 12, 8005, Zurich, from 12.00-19.00 CET on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th November.

October 2023

Zine Camp Rotterdam

We are pleased to announce that we were accepted Zine Camp Rotterdam. For Zine Camp we will have a table on Saturday 4 November, but will be around for the whole weekend participating in the accompanying programme of talks and workshops, so come say hi!

Exhibition "A Living, Breathing Manifesto for Publishing the HumDrum Way" during Volumes 2022, Zürich

HumDrumPress presents „A Living, Breathing Manifesto for Publishing the HumDrum Way“. A constant-work-in-progress textual manifesto which has formed the basis for the Press’ ongoing research process into methods of publishing that hold the potential to reach and attract broader reader-and-writer-ships, and that understand publishing as a “communal” and “commons” activity.

The manifesto began as a transparent, shareable exploration of the internal working methods and developing publishing practice of HumDrum Press, before then circulating among friends, colleagues, fellow publishers, peers, and strangers, all of whom were invited to edit, comment, remove, add to, and grow the manifesto into a textual companion that could be useful, and usable for as many as possible.

Through this next exhibited iteration of the manifesto, the wish is to activate the text as a basis to encourage public consideration, conversation, exchange, (dis)agreements, and future thinking towards processes of publishing.
All who wish to, are welcomed to interact with the current text in any way they desire over the course of the VOLUMES weekend. The results of installation will be uploaded daily to a “master” digital version, which, at the end of the exhibition will act as Snapshot One of the Living, Breathing Manifesto for Publishing the HumDrum Way and circulated among all those who contributed, as well as being made freely and publicly available online.

Find more information here.

Octover 2022

Field trip to the Printed Matter’s 2022 NY Art Book Fair

We are happy to announce that we are going to visit this year’s Printed Matter’s 2022 NY Art Book Fair,made possible thanks to Stimuleringsfonds creative industrie.

Juli 2022

HumDrumPress goes Zürich

Team HumDrumPress have just returned from spending four sunny and invigorating days in Zürich, Switzerland for the “School of Commons Intensive Weekend”. ☀️

As part of the weekend, we had the opportunity to host a workshop presenting our work-in-continuous-progress publishing model, which led to a fantastic conversion about publications as communication tools and "channels", finished off with the creation of a communal publication with our SoC community....all to the stunning backdrop of the lake and mountains.

The weekend was filled with a whole range of workshops and talks surrounding artistic research and practice, and included the sharing of insights, perspectives, emotions, and methodologies, mixed in with lots of fun and swimming.

We are humbled and thankful for having this opportunity to participate in the Intensive Weekend and to be able to meet in person with many of our wonderful peers that are part of this years’ School of Commons cohort.

Thank you so much School of Commons, especially Marea and Joseph for organising such an amazing weekend and programme.

June 2022
Granted "Starting Grant“ by Stimuleringsfonds creative industrie

We are happy to announce that we received the Starting Grant by Stimuleringsfonds creative industrie.

‘Amy Gowen en Wibke Bramesfeld ervaren in het publicatiewerkveld hiërarchisch gestuurde en ondoorzichtige publicatieprocessen, die velen ervan weerhouden publiceren als een vorm of medium te benaderen. Met het project HumDrum Press doen Gowen en Bramesfeld vooronderzoek naar een imprint- en publicatiepraktijk die gezamenlijke middelen gebruikt om de bestaande conventies en grenzen rondom publiceren uit te dagen. Door het opzetten van een op commons-gebaseerd publicatieproject bevraagt HumDrumPress de traditionele manieren van publiceren en bevordert en verbreedt het de inclusiviteit en toegankelijkheid van het publicatieveld. In de startsubsidie periode doen Gowen en Bramesfeld onderzoek naar een nieuw publicatiemodel door middel van literatuuranalyse, mentorschap en gesprekken met uitgevers. Daarnaast wordt een gemeenschap en netwerk opgezet en worden er organisatorische partnerschappen aangegaan. In deze eerste fase wordt gewerkt aan een helder communicatieplan en een duurzaam financieel model voor de toekomst van HumDrumPress.’

December 2021  
School of Commons Fellowship

School of Commons (SoC) is an initiative dedicated to the study and development of self-directed Peer Learning, located at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). SoC represents an international community of practitioners, artists, designers and researchers who focus on matters surrounding the production and mediation of knowledge with a common interest in self-directed practices.
HumDrumPress is happy to announce to participate in 2022!


May & June 2024

Welcome to our May/June newsletter. This letter is landing into your inbox in perfect alignment with the first week of (meteorological and actual) summer. An apt point if ever there was one to get back in touch with news of updates and publishing movements before we start gently slowing down as we head towards our HumDrum summer break.

To read the newsletter, please follow this link.

March & April 2024

As you may (or may not) have noticed, there was a newsletter-shaped hole in March and early April.

We began our last newsletter by saying that February had been 'an exceptionally busy month with lots of meetings and correspondence for exciting upcoming publications and collaborations, as well as some truly beautiful events', and, now looking back over the last 1.5 months, we can say exactly the same about this period. Which is beautiful and wild simultaneously as we never imagined that this project we decided to start three years ago would take up so much (glorious) space in our lives and develop in such a beautiful way.

To read the newsletter, please follow this link.

February 2024

This newsletter was supposed to be in your inbox at the very end of February, but we had some problems with an authentication issue that we have only now been able to resolve. But finally - here it is!

To read the newsletter, please follow this link.

January 2024

We will begin this newsletter (and year) with a light dose of disclosure. This newsletter was actually meant to reach your inboxes at the end of 2023, as opposed to the beginning of 2024, but, as we imagine many of you can relate, December just got a bit…December-y.

To read the newsletter, please follow this link.

November 2023

We are excited to announce that our November newsletter has landed in your inbox! In this newsletter we launch our new series of P.A.P. Conversations. Where we sit down with different publishers, artists, collectives, readers and writers to talk about practices within, around or related to 'expanded publishing'. In the very first series, Amy sat down with Steph and Theresa from Catwings to talk about publishing as a form of hosting.

To read the conversation and the newsletter, please follow this link.

October 2023

We are delighted to announce that our first ever newsletter has just landed in your inbox!

To read the newsletter, you can read it here.

October 2023
We announce our brand new newsletter!

We've been a little quiet on the radio, longer form being more our jam (that's why we make books), so we've decided the best plan of action is to create our own HumDrumPress newsletter, dedicated to our questions, queries and reflections around publishing and book-based activities.

In addition to creating a dialogue around publishing as a practice, the first issue of our newsletter will also include some hot off the press updates, including news of our first ever publications (!) which will be available from November, book fairs (!!) we'll be attending in 2023, and upcoming collaborations (!!!) around lumbung, commons and community art... the results of which you'll be able to feast your eyes on very, very soon.

Excited? Intrigued? Looking forward to reading?
Then be sure to sign up here to receive our first newsletter, which will be coming to your inbox very, very soon!
(Make sure you confirm your subscription in your inbox, check your spam folder)

︎   © HumDrumPress 2024