A Manual

for Publishing

the HumDrum Way

a living,
for publishing the humdrum way.

HumDrumPress presents "A Living, Breathing Manifesto for Publishing the HumDrum Way".
A constant-work-in-progress textual manifesto which has formed the basis for the Press’ ongoing research process into methods of publishing that hold the potential to reach and attract broader reader-and-writer-ships, and that understand publishing as a “communal” and “commons” activity.

The manifesto began as a transparent, shareable exploration of the internal working methods and developing publishing practice of HumDrumPress, before then circulating among friends, colleagues, fellow publishers, peers, and strangers, all of whom were invited to edit, comment, remove, add to, and grow the manifesto into a textual companion that could be useful, and usable for as many as possible.

Through this iteration of the manifesto, the wish is to activate the text as a basis to encourage public consideration, conversation, exchange, (dis)agreements, and future thinking towards processes of publishing.
All who wish to, are welcomed to interact with the current text in any way they desire.

Our aim is to make the manifesto available on this website and to enable commenting.
Therefore, please use this link to be redirected to the google doc version of our manifesto or re-open this website on your computer.
Thank you!

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