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100 x 170 mm
40 pages
softcover, open-stitching
120gr offset paper

Eirini Sourgiadaki

Warmups and Cooldowns

• Collectivity
• Embodied knowledge
• Daily rituals
• Artistic methods
• Eudaemonia

This publication is a collection of warmup and cooldown ideas. The concept of warmups and cooldowns is the simple and essential engagement of the bodymind in the process of nurturing motivation and drive. The contents of this publication respond to the necessity of claiming time and space within and beyond the curriculum and the working day. Imagine it as an intro and an outro, a foreword and a conclusion, a prologue and an epilogue that occurs smoothly and effortlessly during one’s time in the class, in the studio, in the atelier, at the rehearsal room, at the desk, in the office.

All of the warmups and cooldowns ideas collected in the pamphlet have an artistic character, are non-exclusive, and are open to a wide audience-base to use individually or within a group, in order or randomly selected, with or without instructions.

For the warmups and cooldowns, all are invited, all are welcome.

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